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Workday Business Modernization

What is Business Modernization?

Business Modernization is a project that combines leading technology with the reimagining of existing business processes to transform the way WVU will work in the future. Assisted by the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) platform Workday, we will find ways to retire outdated practices and shadow record-keeping systems, leverage automation, effectively integrate data, and become more efficient with our limited resources.  

Anyone who uses WVU’s current financial and human resource management tools such as MAP and Applaud will ultimately benefit from this transformation. Processes that are undocumented, opaque or confusing will be simplified and standardized, and employees will have easier access to their information. Business Modernization will help create a modern workplace with 21st century processes and systems. 

Starting in Fall 2024, the Business Modernization project team will begin meeting with people across the institution to gather information and identify areas for improvement.  

What is Workday?

Workday is a modern, multi-faceted software platform that will streamline the way WVU does business by replacing multiple finance and human resources legacy systems with one. The new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system will give employees easier access to and control over their information.  

From an administrative perspective, it will help WVU more effectively integrate data to support better decision-making and streamline business processes to support a better experience for students, faculty and administrative staff.  Workday also will help ensure data security, privacy and regulatory compliance, and give WVU the flexibility and scalability it needs to be a nimble, modern land-grant university. 

Why do we need a new finance and human resources system?

The University needs flexible, modern technology that can readily adapt to changing business needs while eliminating inefficient and undocumented shadow systems, duplicative platforms, and disjointed data sources.  

Combining our key finance and human resources functions into a single unified platform will help simplify, standardize and automate processes, improve the University’s ability to collect, report and analyze data, ensure data security and privacy, and reduce the risk from non-compliant practices or processes.  Over time, Workday will also replace current student information systems. 

Learn more about Workday by visiting  

How was Workday selected?

After issuing a request for proposal, WVU invited the three top vendors that met our core requirements to demonstrate their products for an evaluation committee comprised of 29 stakeholders from key finance, human resources and student areas. The consensus was that Workday was best suited to meet our needs. 

What does Workday know about the higher education environment?
Workday has been successfully implemented at other institutions, including Yale University, Louisiana State and the University of Ohio (Akron). WVU is confident in Workday’s ability to meet the needs of a modern university. Visit to find more information about how Workday has been successful in the higher education industry. 

What is the timeline for implementation?

In the fall of 2024, the core Workday project team will focus on pre-implementation activities. A formal kickoff will be held in early 2025, when the planning and design work will begin. The anticipate launch is July 2027. 

Who will be affected?

The implementation of Workday will benefit everyone who uses WVU’s current financial and human resources management tools, including MAP and Applaud. The new system will help simplify, standardize and automate processes, improve the University’s ability to collect, report and analyze data, ensure data security and privacy, and reduce the risk from non-compliant practices or processes. 

Will people lose their jobs because of the Workday implementation?

The Modernization Program was created to make WVU operate more efficiently, but not to reduce positions. That said, job duties may change, and certain units may operate differently as we identify opportunities to be more strategic.

What systems will be replaced?

It is anticipated that MAP and Applaud will be retired, and the team will evaluate the opportunity to retire other technology services, including legacy and shadow systems, as the project progresses. A list will become available as soon as possible. 

What will happen to all the old data as new systems are adopted?

Legacy data will be moved and stored either in the new systems or another designated repository in accordance with WVU’s record retention policy and the University’s other compliance requirements. Retained data will remain accessible for those who need it. 

How will updates be communicated to the WVU community?

Updates on both Workday and the larger Modernization Program will be communicated by email, ENEWS, in-person meetings with stakeholders, and other channels to be determined. Closer to the launch of Workday, these announcements will include demonstrations and training opportunities. 

How can I get involved?

The WVU Modernization Program will require and benefit from the participation of hundreds of faculty and staff throughout the next several years. As planning begins, the project team will invite stakeholders, functional business users and technical experts to participate as subject matter experts, along with those who use the systems daily to perform their job duties. 

How can I stay informed?

Watch ENEWS and your inbox for updates and invitations to informational sessions and keep checking  

Contact  with any questions.